CPC at Bangalore

CPC at Bangalore
COC represent before CPC

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Commission's visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

Commission's visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from 12th to 13th November, 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of reference of the Commission to present their views.

Commission's visit to Hyderabad

Commission's visit to Hyderabad
The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Hyderabad from 18th to 20th November, 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of reference of the Commission to present their views.